Recovering from a C-section can feel like tackling a Rubik's cube blindfolded, especially when it comes to rebuilding that core strength. Brace yourself for 5 reasons why your core might be feeling a bit camera shy after the C-section AND 5 tips to boost your confidence in contracting again.

Here are 5 reasons why you may be experiencing a lack of core strength post C-section:

  1. **Surgical Incisions:** Your precious baby was delivered after cutting or tearing through 6-7 layers. This process has impacted your abdominal muscles, resulting in restricted movement and reduced effectiveness for several weeks. It takes 6-8 weeks for all these incisions to be healed.  Watch this video to understand more
  2. **Disconnect Between the Brain and Muscles** When your body undergoes surgery, it can be considered a traumatic event for the body. This may lead to a disruption in the communication between the brain and muscles, known as the neuromuscular connection, making it more challenging to connect with core.
  3. **Poor Posture:** After enduring 9 months of pregnancy followed by major abdominal surgery, our posture can suffer. The lack of movement can lead to some muscles becoming tight and weak, while others become elongated, affecting our posture and making it harder to engage our abdominal muscles.  WATCH this video if this is you
  4. **Hormonal Changes:** Hormonal fluctuations post-delivery can affect muscle tone and strength, making it harder to regain core stability.
  5. **Emotional Strain:** Recovery from a C-section can be emotionally taxing, and stress can impact muscle function and recovery. It's essential to address emotional well-being to support physical healing.  Read this blog SEEING RED from Phycologist  

When we’re faced with these challenges it can be easy to lose hope of having a strong and functioning core again!

To improve your core strength post C-section, it is advised to see a healthcare provider or physical therapist to help create a plan. Alternatively, you can make use of our rehabilitation program to safely reestablish connection with your abdominal muscles.  You can begin this from the day your doctor allows you to get out of bed post C-section.

Patience (not a word I particularly like as a mum), consistency (which can also be a challenge), and proper guidance are key to rebuilding core strength and overall wellness after a C-section.

It's essential to recognize the challenges you may face and take proactive steps to address them.

Now lets get to the hope!

Here are 5 additional tips to help you on your path to rebuilding core strength post C-section:

  1. **Breathing Techniques:** Practice diaphragmatic breathing to engage your core muscles and promote better coordination between your breath and movements. This is the foundation of core work for everyone!  Start here
  2. **Focus on Proper Alignment:** Be mindful of your posture and alignment during exercises to ensure you are targeting the right muscles and avoiding unnecessary strain on your abdominals or back. Begin Here
  3. **Pelvic Floor Exercises:** Yes your pelvic floor is part of your core! Incorporating pelvic floor exercises, can help strengthen the muscles that support your abdominals and improve overall stability.  Start Here
  4. **Gradual Progression:** Start with gentle movements and gradually increase the intensity of your exercises as your body heals. Listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard too soon. Our progressive program takes all the guess work out of this process. Check out this video of how progression can be used with the popular abdominal exercise the Dead-bug.
  5. **Massaging your Scar:** To enhance the connection to your abdominal muscles, massaging your scar not only aids in the remodeling phase of your tissues, ensuring the new tissue aligns properly, but also reestablishes the neuromuscular connection between your brain and abdominals that may have been impacted by surgery.  Check out Interview with scar therapist Deane Bell "everything you need to know about C-section Scar massage"

Remember, every individual's journey to rebuilding core strength post C-section is unique.

It's important to be kind to yourself, celebrate small victories, and seek support from healthcare professionals or communities like our C-section Recovery Facebook Group for assistance and support. 

By taking a holistic approach to your recovery, you can gradually rebuild your core strength and overall well-being.

Want to know the first step to connecting back to your core? Watch this video.

Need more support then send me message - your abdominals will thank you for it!  

My recovery was significantly easier simply due to the information & support your program provides


I was introduced to the Birthmark Sisterhood website and program, following my second C-section just under one year ago.  My recovery the second time was significantly easier both physically, emotionally and mentally, simple due to the information and support your program provides and the information shared through your various social media pages.


April 16, 2021

How to Speed Up My C-Section Recovery #1

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